Talent Or Ambition: Which Way To Success.

Talent – Ambition, Which way is best?

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Call it serendipity! Yes, because I stumbled upon this while searching for something totally unrelated, and guess what? It has been of immense value, so I decided to share… As usual. *winks*

Well, it goes thus:

One of the most inspiring lines in cinema history had to be “My ambition far exceeds my talents,” said by Johnny Depp’s character George Chung.

Ambition is the most important tool to achieving success,
overriding both talent and resources by far.

An ambitious attitude can lead anyone to triumph and
satisfaction, regardless of what is put in front of them.
To have the will, the dream and the courage to be on top of the world will get you a lot farther in life than any skill you can possibly possess.

Having talent means nothing if you have no ambition behind it to work your ass of at any given point of the

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