Police Officer Under Investigation After Telling Woman Not To Worry, ‘We Only Kill Black People’

Cobb County, Georgia, police lieutenant Greg Abbott is under investigation after talking about killing “black people.” Um, whut ??

In a DUI arrest captured on sprint cam, a white girl passenger says she’s afraid to reach for her cell phone because she’s “seen way too many videos of cops…”

Abbott gets what she entails right away and interrupts her, saying 😛 TAGEND

“But you’re not black. Remember, we only kill black people.”

What in the hell was he considering ?? He persists:

“Yeah. We merely kill black people, right? All the videos you’ve recognized, have you discovered the black people get killed?

Ugh. The incident is from way back in July 2016 but has recently been been released to the public. Abbott, who has been a police officer for 28 times and should know better, is now on “administrative duty” pending an investigation.

Cobb County Police Chief Mike Register released a statement saying 😛 TAGEND

“No matter what the context, statements like these are unacceptable and are not indicative of the type of culture we are trying to facilitate here in the police department, as well as within the county.”

Lt. Abbott has not spoken out about the incident, but his attorney, Lance LoRusso, liberated a declaration on his behalf saying specific comments was an unorthodox direction to “de-escalate a situation involving an uncooperative passenger.”

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Even if it did work to de-escalate such a situation( and frankly it seems like telling her only awful cops kill anyone would have been a more appropriate AND more calming thing to say ), it is the kind of note that intensifies strain between the black community and police nationwide.

See the shocking minute( below ):

[ Image via NBC News .]